
Monday, January 18, 2010

Martin Luther King Day

Today is Martin Luther King Day and I would like to remember him and all the others in history who courageously took the path of non-violence against adversity. I have often heard the human race referred to as "just below the angels," but, often I think that we are really "just above the apes." But we should not despair; we are evolving, and some day, if we survive, we will come to a more peaceful existence. Once a wrote a poem to this effect and I will share it on this special day.


You wanted a more perfect world
You didn't understand
That we are not yet capable
As man
To live a world without hate
A world without fear
A world without war
That rather than being
A little less than angels
We are just above the apes
Like our brothers and sisters of the jungle
Who scratch and bite and hate
To protect their clan, their tribe
Their territory
With the most vicious of intents

You wanted a more perfect world
But you didn't understand
That man has not yet evolved
Above a primal state
To a place
Where love and peace and
Inclusion is the measure of the day

And we have many decades left to travel
To this enlighted state
But, there is reason for hope
As Jane Goodall who lived among our mates
Has said,
We are all a part of the upward movement
In our actions of today
So even though,
You wanted, you expected better
From your fellow man
Don't despair
What you and I do today will
A future world of peace

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