
Monday, November 9, 2009

It has been too long since my last post; that is for sure. But, have you ever had the universe collide in your life, in such a way, that you did not see it coming; did not deserve it, and basically were blindsided and thrown under the bus without cause. Well, I believe this happens sometimes in life, and it happened to me several weeks ago. And, without going into details, I have had to spend an exasperating amount of time trying to unravel a difficult situation. So, my energy has been elsewhere, but hopefully this will be resolved this week, and I can, once again, go on with my life with the demonstrated integrity I have always had. Sometimes, other people in life, who know absolutly nothing about you, try to define you, and you find yourself having to defend yourself to people who do not have the honesty, integrity or professionalism that you have. And suddenly you are in a royal battle with "the know-nothings" and you don't even know how you got there, just that perhaps someone needed a scapegoat or someone to blame...and you were in their sights. Anyway, safice it to say that I am still sleeping at night, can hold my head high, and have had the courage to speak up and speak out about something that was and is clearly wrong. I know that anyone reading this may be curious for details, but I shall not be able to share them here. What I can share is a poem that my sister, Maureen Conlan wrote years ago about Courage which applied then and applies today. Thank you Maureen.


You who have courage for others,
be courageous for your own life.
You who birth babies and bury parents,
have courage to embrace your own joy.
Look inside---
You are already courageous
Think of the times you were crushed by sadness
thought you could not live
And then rose to comfort others.
You who listen to your friends' most awful
secrets and love them no matter what
Find courage to love the dark cornors
of your own heart.
Think of the times you felt unloved, shamed,
humiliated; soul and body battered
And yet, got up the next morning,
Put one foot in front of the other
and marched into a new day.
I sing for your courage
It is nothing this poem can confer
You have it already; a legacy from
every moment of your life
And the lives of those before you
that has led to this one
Think of the courage it has taken to live
with your lonliness
Consider small acts of courage
when you were in physical pain and you went to work
or cooked dinner for your family.
Times you were so afraid you were sick to your stomach
and still you did what had to be done.
The simple courage
to live as a woman in this world.
Think of the heroic times....daring to battle
an angry god
What courage it has taken to unravel the early lies,
to speak the first secrets
trap them in a shoebox in a closet
And when they escape, as they do once in awhile
have courage to face them again and again and again.

I celebrate your courage.
Use it to rescue the radiance
at the center of your heart,
Waiting so patiently for you to shine forth.

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