
Friday, March 19, 2010

Ah, another St. Paddy's Day come and gone. I have so many wonderful memories of this day during my growing up years. We were the Conlan family who had a direct link to the Irish Isle. My father's great grandparents came from Ireland, and like so many immigrants from that country, made their way slowly into the melting pot of America. Being Margretta Marie O'Conlan, (the clan dropped the O' after arriving in America as no Irishman wanted to "stand out." )I had a lot of heritage to celebrate, along with my six brothers and sisters, my closest sister being named Maureen. The Irish had their "troubles" here in America like all immigrants, and worked hard in menial tasks to make a living and establish themselves. How often I fail to think about the sacrifices and courage it took to do what they did, representing the basis for the sacrifices each generation had to make to get me to where I am today. And my father's great grandfather had courage indeed. He was in serious danger for teaching catholic doctrine along the hedgerows in Ireland where children came to learn in a very perilous environment. The British would not allow it, and so night after night, Dad's great grandfather would sneak out from his cottage and meet with those wanting to hear the Catholic word of God. For sure, he was afraid, but he did it anyway. One day, word came to him that he had been found out, and in grave danger. He fled, and hid in a ship going to America promising to bring his family over when he could, which he eventually did. When I was a little girl, wearing the green carnation my dad bought for his daughters each St. Paddy's Day, and the green ribbons I wore in my hair, I had no idea how deep went the roots and emotions of those who touched the lives of those brave immigrants starting over in a new land. Today, I do more than listen to Irish music and eat corn beef and cabbage. Every St. Paddy's Day I now take out the book written about my Conlan Irish heritage, look at all the pictures and faces of those who went before me, and say Thank You.


Unknown said...

Gretta, that was very inspiring. While many of us with Irish roots are wearing green clothes, buttons & beads, & drinking common green beer or the snooty ones are downing Bushmills or a Guinness, you are putting us to shame by evoking treasured memories of a valued past. In a way, it reminds me of what we have turned the Christmas celebration into. But, there is room for both. Why not? Hope your FL visit was a pleasant, if not warm one. ((H)) v

Gretta said...

Florida was warm enough, sunny and wonderful. We usually are down there for St. Paddy's Day and always go to McGuire's but not this year. If you can believe, there is a McGuire's also in Bloomington where we went for the festivities.