
Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's 2013

New Year's bells are beginning to ring around the world as I write my New Year's resolutions, once again. So many things in 2012 had us feeling dismayed,  devastated, and hopeless from "forces"greater than ourselves which, after the trauma settles, can bring insight that life is precious indeed, and that many things are beyond our control in this world that we want to be hopeful about, but also must  maintain a sense of the reality, that anything can occur to change our life as we know it, and expect it to be. So, can we move forward today with hope for a good new year? I suppose that this is a question that each of us must answer for him/herself....knowing that just as things can go awry, so too can they surprise and delight. I am hoping for more of the latter. I really do not have much on my resolution list this year. I was disappointed with last year's resolution to feed the winter birds, and after great effort to do so, had the squirrels get to the feeders first. Ugh! For this coming year, I do want to "get on board" to perform (at least) 26 acts of kindness in memory of those who died in Connecticut. This was a suggestion by Ann Curry; formally of the TODAY SHOW (why in the world did they ever let her go???) which I saw on T.V. Generally, I am hoping for more kindness in the world all around, and of course, it must begin with each of us. Once again, poetry speaks to me and I recently came across a poem by James Kavanaugh that reflects my emotions and mood at this time when, yes, time passes and options disappear and love means more.

As time passes and options disappear
Love means more, and sunsets
I want to stroll across green hills
More than to climb mountains
Lately I listen more to the stars
Wise and patient in their silent staring
What is an hour or a year?
What is a week or a lifetime?
What is time?
When love means more,
And sunsets.
Wishing all who read this BLOG many many moments of kindness, peace, love and joy.

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