
Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Does anyone out there, other than me, think that having a Garage Sale is a worthwhile venture? I put this question out to my Facebook friends and, almost to a person, they said NO. Well, I would like to agree, and also disagree. I agree it is so much darn work that dollar for dollar, it is hardly worth it. I don't expect to make a lot of money so that, I guess, is the first thing in my favor. That I have cleaned out my basement, and gone through things I have not laid eyes on in years is a mixed blessing, at best. I could have just kept them in all of their tight, closed up boxes and continued to forget about them until the next move, or wait to have my children sort them all out, but I decided to do it myself with the help of my very willing (I have a gem) husband, and to my surprise, I have found some things that, in the past, I treasured. To find these "treasures" again brings some joy, but only if you have the time to enjoy them. The hard part is that, once discovered again, can I easily let them go?
My husband and I have taken our time with this enterprise which makes it not seem so daunting, but now, both of us are ready to have this abundance of household "taka taka" depart our garage for a new home. Both our cars are moaning that they have been left out in the rain too, too long. So this Friday and Saturday are the dates for many of our things to fly the coop and to be enjoyed by others. As I sat this morning deciding between $1.00 or $2.00 items, I had a bitter/sweet feeling about it all. Many of the things I was marking are a part of our history, and out they will go. I shed a slight tear, but not for long. It is one more layer that my husband and I are shedding as we continue on in life, finding more and more joy, not in things, but in each other, our families and our friends.

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