
Thursday, December 29, 2011


Every year at this time, I reluctantly and disconcertingly think about New Year's Resolutions that I never keep. For, who's list does not include something to do with food? Either we are going on an out-and-out diet, eating only certain foods over others, getting more exercise or in some way or another, losing weight. And just like my Lenten resolutions growing up Catholic, I seldom made it to the "finish line," especially if it involved giving up candy! SO, this year, I am making a new kind of resolution list that I think I can stick to, and one which will, I hope, be a WIN-WIN, reasonable and even enjoyable. Here is my list, not necessarily in order of importance. What's on your list this year?

1. Go out some nights and look up in wonder at the sky.
2. Go for more walks in the woods.
3. Plant a tree
4. Smile more, especially at people who look as unhappy as I sometimes feel.
5. Make new recipes
6. Buy and cook more locally grown food.
7. Drink tea in the afternoon.
8. Keep the bird-feeders full.
9. Write more letters to my grandchildren
10. Be silly more/ laugh more.
11. Sing more, even if people are around.
12. Have some quiet, meditative time each day.
13. Make more nutritious home-made soups.
14. Spend more time at book stores and libraries.
15. Think of three things each day to be grateful for....

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