
Sunday, January 29, 2012


On Thursday of this past week, I attended to one of my New Year's Resolutions, to feed the birds this winter, by having a Brunch and then having my girlfriends make pine-cone bird feeders. Like Tom Sawyer, I thought that I would get some of my friends to help me "paint the fence!" And, from the pictures, as you can see, we all had so much fun getting our hands full of lard and peanut butter, rubbing this mix into pine-cones and then rolling them in bird seed. From an article I read, the single biggest danger to birds in the winter is not enough food to eat, so now I feel that we have done a little bit to help those two winged creatures of flight that bring me so much joy. And, yesterday, I trudged outside in my new sturdy boots to put my bird feeders in the trees,selecting trees and branches where I can watch them from my windows. A winter delight!  Then,after tending to the birds, I took my once a year, lone jaunt into the countryside to enjoy the new fallen snow alight in meadows, across fields, over barns, in pastures with horses and cattle, sheep and swine, and on fences, trees and lakes. I usually load up my car CD player with my favorite tapes, and head out east on one-lane country roads which are still icy and snow-covered, and roll along the flat lands of the prairie and the occasional hill and dale to my heart's content. Along the way, I stop and take pictures as you can see below. One of my favorite songs is Susan Boyle's, "Just a Perfect Day," and I must have played it loud and long for it was indeed, just a perfect day.

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