
Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Healthy, Happy Plan

Every now and then, I come across an article in our little daily newspaper that jumps out at me, and this past week, there was just such an entry. The title was, "Chocolate, dancing, part of healthier you." This, or course, piqued my interest....especially the word, "chocolate." And, as good news would have it, the Cleveland Clinic (excellent reputation) experts have suggested seven tips for a healthier/happier lifestyle. ( which I really think I can live with! I have been waiting for just such a list to incorporate into my 2013 resolutions, and these I think I can actually accomplish! The first suggestion is: Eat more chocolate! It increases blood flow to the brain, decreases the impact of heart disease and can even fight depression. Wow. Bring it on! I am all for that! Of course, they suggest only a small square of chocolate three times a day, so I will have to decrease my consumption, but still. The second suggestion is to Dance. It burns calories, reduces stress, strengthens muscles and bones and can improve relationships. And, if you can believe, I have just begun a dance class that I am hoping will do all of these things! Next on their list is to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone. This will stimulate your brain which needs exercise too, according to these experts. My husband and I have just invested in a 1,000 piece picture puzzle, and if it does not drive up crazy first, I think this can qualify. Ah, and fourth on the list is to Take a Mental Time Out. Stress and other problems can take its tole on good health, so these folks suggest a vacation; a day off; a time to relax and do something you enjoy. O.K. I'm in....Next, and also one of my favorites is Drink Coffee. Research has shown (who cares what research) that drinking two to three 8 ounce cups of coffee daily can reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease by up to 20 percent. Well, that is not much, but if there is a "health" reason to drink coffee, head me toward Starbucks. Now the next one, my two sister-in-laws will love. Go Shoe Shopping. Well, this would not be the kind of shoe shopping they would have in mind ,as the experts suggest replacing high heels with shoes with a thicker heel that's2 1/4 inches or smaller. And stop pinching your feet and toes with those pointy shoes; go for the square-toed look. O.K., I can live with that. And finally, Laugh. Studies have shown laughter's positive effects on blood flow and sleep among other things, and I have heard that it can also help with healing. Now, before you laugh at these suggestions, try them. They seem pretty easy and painless to me.

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