
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Folk Art Dolls

Some of you have asked about how to make these dolls. Here are some basics. Start with a plastic bottle of any size. Secure wooden head in top of bottle, usually by wrapping serain wrap around the neck. These wooden heads can be purchased at any hobby store. But, before securing head in bottle, decorate face with, eyes, lips etc. Then begin the design of the base of the doll....dress, skirt etc. Use shinny paper, brown sac paper, coffee filters to layer skirt etc. Then decorate away. As far as gluing item, as my sister says, use anything until it sticks. I use double sided tape and double sided sticky dots, again bought in any hobby store. Someone also suggested trying a glue gun. Could work. Enjoy and let your creativity shine!

1 comment:

Gretta said...

Thanks Dayana for your nice comment. I hope you do remain a reader.