
Monday, February 8, 2010

Snowy Day to Myself

SNOW, SNOW AND MORE SNOW!!! Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny day so I took my camera and headed out into nature to take some pictures. It was such a lovely day, even though it was cold and snow-filled, but the wind wasn't blowing so it felt warmer than it was. With the sun coming through my car window, it felt delightful as I listened to classical music and drove through the countryside. I was by myself with nothing to do but enjoy the music and nature all around me. I drove for six hours, and went 150 miles, stopping only to have lunch at one of my favorite spots; a wine bistro that serves delicious lunches in a quaint and picturesque dining room. I was out in farm country where I saw cows huddled together against the cold, and beautiful horses running or resting in the snowy pastures; a scene for a Currier & Ives Christmas card. I passed through little towns with nothing more than a gas station and a mechanic shop, and wondered about the lives of all the people who lived there. I loved the quiet and being by myself; to appreciate the beauty all around me; to ponder some of the wonders of the world and my life, and to truly appreciate the simple beauty of life. I recommend a day like this for everyone now and then. It cleared my head and mind, and brought me back home appreciating things I had not even thought about when I started out. Simply lovely.

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